Herbal and fruit tea
Hawthorn fruit and blossom (Crataegus L.) €€œ benefit the proper functioning of the heart, promote blood circulation in organs and facilitate the proper supply of oxygen. They support the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and help to maintain normal blood pressure.
Turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa L.) €€œ supports the proper functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system.
Lemon balm leaf (Melissa officinalis L.) €€œ is conducive to falling asleep and contributes to relieving anxiety and tension caused by everyday situations. Promotes relaxation as well as physical and mental well-being.
Hop strobile (Humulus lupulus L.)€€œ contributes to restful sleep and relieves anxiety, promoting better well-being and relaxation of the whole organism.
Pansy (Viola tricolor L.)€€œ supports blood purification.
The claimed beneficial effects may be observed when infusions from 3 tea bags are consumed daily.